Monday Dec 13, 2021
Whey Protein Isolate vs Concentrate
Monday Dec 13, 2021
Monday Dec 13, 2021
Is the fat in whey even bad for you? Or can it possibly help with growing muscle? What if you can actually digest lactose?
This will surely be an ongoing debate for years to come, but here is some brief insight into both whey protein powders, the pros and cons of each and I leave you with a definite answer!
You can also watch this, and every, episode on my Youtube Channel.
Thursday Jul 15, 2021
Secret Hacks For Great Erections!
Thursday Jul 15, 2021
Thursday Jul 15, 2021
Whether its E.D. or you just want a little more horsepower under the hood. Try out these 3 hacks. I've personally tried them all and they work!
No pills. Just Common sense and some ancient intelligence!
Tuesday Mar 09, 2021
Uphill Sprints for Fat Loss, Grass-fed Beef, Old School Hypertrophy Method
Tuesday Mar 09, 2021
Tuesday Mar 09, 2021
1. Uphill sprints place less impact on the joints that regular sprints, as well as create greater type 2 recruitment, thus sparring, or even, building muscle!
2. I talk about WHERE to buy grass-fed/finished beef. butcherbox.ca is a good start but the most cost effective is a simple google search.
3. Rest/Pause training is where you take a set to failure at 6-10 reps; wait 15 seconds; do another few reps to failure; wait 15 seconds; etc....until you can just barely squeeze out 1 rep. This is a variation of Heavy Duty training made famous by Arthur Jones, Mike Mentzer, and 6 time Mr. Olympia Dorian Yates.
Thursday Feb 11, 2021
Anti-Estrogen Veggies, Best Reps For Mass, Best Time To Stretch
Thursday Feb 11, 2021
Thursday Feb 11, 2021
The Brassica family of veggies has a long history of keeping testosterone levels balanced. Find out what these are and how!
The best reps for mass? Are you thinking 8-12? Think again. You're not wrong, but you're not entirely right.
Stretching. We all need to do more of it, but is there an optimal time to do it? And does it actually create muscle?
Listen in this clear and concise episode of direct action items that you can take to now to optimize your T levels!
Thanks for listening. Travis.
Wednesday Jan 20, 2021
The 5 Fundamentals To Transforming Your Physique
Wednesday Jan 20, 2021
Wednesday Jan 20, 2021
Keto, SARMS, HIIT, Time Under Tension....All of these things can work. But they only work off a platform of Balanced Physiology.
Too many times we reach for the shiny tools when we should be looking at the tool box!
These ARE the NON Negotiable habits of Top Athletes, Actors, Strength Coaches, Bodybuilders, Health Coaches around the world.
Why Do They Eat Organic Food?
What Type Of Water Do They Drink?
How Does Sleep Affect Anabolic Hormones
When You Should Train Hard, and When You Shouldn't
How Stress Hormones Rob You of Anabolic Hormones
Please leave a review and let me know what you'd like to hear!
Also, you can catch me on my Youtube Channel

It Wasn't Always This Way...
In all honesty I started out great! At 17 I started lifting and saw great results. Then I hit my 20's and it was party time. I still lifted and worked out and actually got pretty strong, but my physique and energy levels abondoned me due to booze, late nights, and poor food quality.
It wasn't until I rediscovered my passion for Natural Health, Strength, and Freedom that I started researching deeper into the methods I share on this podcast. Goals, Life, and Circumstances change, but I'll share with you the most powerful and easy lifestyle hacks that will make you as resilient as you can be. We'll talk soon.
Stay Strong & Free